The following link provides information from the Badger Scholarship presentation from 12/13/2023 if you were unable to attend:
2024 BHS Scholarship Program Presentation
A note about FAFSA from the UW System President, Tommy Thompson:
Dear Principals,
The University of Wisconsin System is embarking upon a statewide campaign to address the decline in prospective Fall 2021 student families completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which is an important step in ensuring college access and affordability for our Wisconsin high school seniors.
We are asking for your assistance in reaching out to the parents of high school seniors, reminding them that it’s not too late to apply for financial aid and, importantly, there is money still available. A reach-out from you may be just the nudge that’s needed.
Financial aid counselors at universities all across the UW System are collaborating in this effort, and they’re willing to help parents and students successfully complete the form. Furthermore, UW financial aid counselors will provide this assistance regardless of where a student ultimately decides to go to college. To schedule a time with one of our counselors, please visit for contact information.
Here are some additional resources that might be useful to parents and students.
College access and affordability have never been more important, and we want to ensure that all students who wish to go to college can have that opportunity. Submitting the FAFSA can be a key step in turning a dream into reality. Let’s work together to make it happen!

Tommy Thompson
1720 Van Hise Hall, 1220 Linden Dr
Madison, WI 53706
608-262-2321 |